My Top 5 Reads of 2022 (Plus newsletter announcement! *squeals*)

Hiya, readers! Wow, it’s been a long time since I did a post that wasn’t part of a blog tour or a cover reveal…

*crickets chirping*

To be honest, I have like SO many post ideas I want to do (one that’s been on the backburner since August!) but I never set aside time for this blog! My biggest new year resolution is to take more time for the blogosphere, and while I’ll be specifically focusing on Teen Writers’ Nook, I haven’t forgotten about y’all! I hope to do more original and exciting posts over here. <33 But before we jump into today’s post, I wanted this to be one of the first places I announce that I have finally done it! I have started up a newsletter!!! It will be a place where I will give a lot of my writing updates, as I tend to like not do that anywhere. XD But I also want it to be a fun place where we talk about books, life, and I also want to share history fun facts, specifically about the Romanovs and just 20th century history in general! I’ve learned so may things in researching for my books, and I want to have a place where I can share them, which is why my newsletter will be called… *drumroll*

Vintagely Izzy!

I also have a special surprise I am working on for my newsletter subscribers that may or may not have to do with one of my WIPs. So if you are interested in following the ramblings of a Christian historical fiction novelist and stay updated with my writing and hopefully one day publishing journey, you can find the link to subscribe right here!

Alright! Today I am going to be sharing my top reads of 2022! Rules for qualification:

  1. The book has to be a novel. (Sorry short stories and novellas.)
  2. The book cannot be a sequel to another book I’ve already read (if it’s a sequel but it’s the first book I read in the series, it will still count). The reason for this is because I love reading new books from new authors that it’s such a rare thing if I read the sequel to books so the fact that I READ the sequel already means that it’s an amazing book and you should try out the series.
  3. It cannot be a re-read. (Sorry The False Prince. I still love you, but you understand how this must work. XD)
  4. It cannot be a beta-read book. Because even though I’ve loved several of my beta-reads for the year, they are either (1) not published or (2) I haven’t read the published version. Beta books can only be counted if I read the book after publication.

And that’s all! Here is a list of books I read last year if you want to check out all the ones in the competition!

Now the five book winners for my top 2022 reads are…

#5. When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin

First off, don’t tell me you don’t just ADORE the cover! When Twilight Breaks was a total accidental read for me! I was trying out my library’s ebook system for the first time, I had recognized the cover, and I decided to check it out just to see how it all worked. I had no intentions of actually reading the book. But then I started the first chapter, and I. could. not. put. it. down. This was also at the time when a pipe at my house busted and I could only manage to read in between breaks of digging up my yard to find said pipe and trying to complete schoolwork. yes, it’s been one of those years 😅

But back to the book. Sarah Sundin is quickly becoming a new favorite author for me! I just ADORED the characters and the plot was so well-paced that I couldn’t put it down not once! Plus when the title of the book was incorporated near the end of the story, I was squealing by that point. My favorite part of all, however, was the setting. Nazi Germany right before the outbreak of WW2? Don’t tell me that doesn’t sound so interesting! I felt like I learned a lot and the setting just came alive so perfectly! Loved this book and cannot recommend it enough!

#4. Dearest Josephine by Caroline George.

Dearest Josephine by Caroline George was another accidental read. I’m seeing a trend here, don’t you? I was at my library checking out a stack of more books than I could possible read in a month, and this book caught my eye on the way out. I’d seen many GR friends reading it and loving it, and as the bibliophile that I am, I obviously checked it out! Ah, what can I say about this book? It broke me in every way possible. I nearly cried. I connected so deeply with the main character more so than I ever have before. I think because she was dealing with the grief of losing her father at the same time when my own grief over my father’s passing in 2021 was hitting me particularly hard. This is a book that has not left my mind once since I finished it. I am constantly thinking back to it. It was the book I needed to read at the time that I did. This book is just beautiful. (Also I LOVED the setting and how it was set up in a letter format!!! I didn’t think something like that would work until I read this book! Will forever love it!)

The only complaint I have is the excessive use of “OMG.” I know everyone has their own opinion on the matter and the author may have been using it as an acronym for “oh my goodness,” but it’s usually used for “oh my God,” and I just didn’t like reading that so many times. but again, everyone has their own opinions so proceed at your own discretion.

#3. A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano

I have heard NOTHING but good things about A Midnight Dance, and so when I saw my library had it, I obviously checked it out immediately! Oh where do I even begin? This book was LIFE-CHANGING for me! If I had to pick just one author that I could write just like, it would probably be Joanna Politano. Wait, actually let me think on that. Don’t hold me to that. XD This book… guys, it is GORGEOUS. You could just feel the story, the characters, the setting even. I know of no other way to describe it except this book just came alive. I also just LOVED the ballet inclusion! As a former dancer, I related to a lot of things mentioned in here.

Honestly, I cannot even find words to express the depth of this book and my love for it, so just go read it for yourself! Then come fangirl about Jack with me okay?

#2. Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie

Let’s all take a moment to PROPERLY admire this cover! From the moment I saw it, I KNEW that this was a book I needed and would love. First off, please tell me I am not the only sucker of those royal romance Hallmark movies? I can’t help it, I am a sucker for it. Heart of a Royal made me think of that only much more fun, creative, and by an amazing Christian author! I always enjoy a good, clean contemporary romance, but never have I enjoyed it as much as this one! I was squealing and laughing and rooting for the characters the whole time. Also Thoraben very quickly made it on my list of fictional boys I fangirl over an unhealthy amount of time. I LOVE HIM LIKE SO MUCH! *sobs* Plus this was one of the first books that introduced me to the forced-marriage trope (don’t even know if that’s a real thing or if that’s what it’s called but I LOVE IT), and let’s just say I am all here for it! I’m gonna have to write a book with that trope in it. I’ve already decided it. XD How can I not? This book was just a very fun and exciting novel that I highly recommend!

Okay so Heart of a Royal was at first my top read of the year, and held it for a while until I read this book. This one has rightfully earned its place as my top read of the year. It’s fun, exciting, with a loveable cast of characters and the PERFECT historical setting. The author slipped in so may fun facts of this time period that I didn’t know about. Also the cover is just drop-dead gorgeous, and I loved this book so much, I’ve already gotten the next two in the series. And as we just discussed, I rarely read series! What is this book you must be asking?

My top number one read of the year is…

*pauses for dramatic effect*

#1. The Spice King by Elizabeth Camden


I also wanted to give a list of the runners up who were also just as awesome and totally deserved a spotlight if I could pick more than just five. *sighs* Oh the pains of a bookworm!

Fled for Refuge by Kristina Hall – such a gripping dystopian suspense read that kept me turning the pages!

The Princess Companion by Melanie Cellier – My first Cellier book! Absolutely cute and such a fun read. Plus I’m in love with Max. Just sayin’.

Magnify by Stefanie Lozinski – this book was at number 5 in my top 5 reads until I read When Twilight Breaks. But either way, this is an engaging read with such good worldbuilding, plus there’s DRAGONS!

World of Silence by Kaytlin Phillips – Such a touching, precious middle grade fantasy story with fun twists that keep you turning pages and just as mentioned above there is DRAGONS

The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport – A very well-researched and easy-to-follow narrative about Tsar Nicholas II’s four daughters. It was so enjoyable that I often forgot I was reading nonfiction!

Iron by Madisyn Carlin – probably a surprise read for me as while I knew I would like it, I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did! Madisyn Carlin is an author to watch for! Iron was gripping, moving, with the most loveable cast of characters ever! (Plus it’s a Cinderella retelling, and I’m always a sucker for Cinderella retellings!)

So let’s chat! Have you read any of the books listed? What’s YOUR top 5 reads of 2022? Do you like novels with dragons or not? What’s something you’d like to see more of in author newsletters? Who else noticed the first GIF was Jen Ledger (from Skillet) playing the drums? Let’s talk all about it in the comments below!

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35 thoughts on “My Top 5 Reads of 2022 (Plus newsletter announcement! *squeals*)

  1. Oh! Me gonna have to check out those books…I think most are on my tbr. And eeek! I made it onto your runner up list! Aww! That’s so sweet and I’m so glad you enjoyed WoS!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YESSS DEFINITELY!!!!! Hahaha IT IS A SIGN THEN!!! YOU MUST READ THEM SOON. XD YESSS OF COURSE YOU DID!!!! I LOVED World of Silence (and Unfortunate Events too… *sighs* if only there was more space to list all my fav books!) and it deserved to have a special mention!!! <3333

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe…yeah, maybe one day I’ll get to the bottom of my tbr…but it’s not looking like it…lol…awww! That’s so sweet! I know right!? So many good books out there and last year was such a good year too! And this one has a great line up for indie books too!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hahaha I keep telling myself that, and it never happens. XD Lol, it’s just hard being a bookworm, right? XD Those TBRs really get us. Aw of course!!!! <33 I KNOW RIGHT!!! It's like everytime I turn around there's a new awesome book coming out. Which I ain't gonna complain since good books are hard to come by. YESSS YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!!! The Christian indie community is CRUSHING it with good books!!!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Lol…it is, or a book dragon because then you want to buy every book you see…(that’s good of course)…haha…yes! My tbr is killing me…haha…

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hahaha yes, book dragon is definitely the better word here. XD THAT’S EXACTLY RIGHT!!!! (Yes, true.) Ooof i feel you sister. *tries to save you from your murderous tbr* XD

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Dearest Josephine was amazing! And the cover of Heart of a Royal is absolutely gorgeous. I want that dress 😍 I have not read anything by Sarah Sundin yet but I really want to because I’ve heard nothing but great things!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES I SO AGREE!!!! That book… ah, it’s one that just really tugs at your heart strings!! Girl, I MUST agree with you there! It’s like one of the prettiest covers I’ve ever seen in my life. AAH YOU AND ME BOTH!!!! The dress is so gorgeous, and I love how the girl has her hair fixed too! GIRL YOU MUST!!!! I think you’d really enjoy her! I’ve only read two books from her so far and they both have the perfect blend of historical facts, romance, and an engaging plot!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. *screeches* ISSABELLE IS STARTING A NEWSLETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, yay, yay!!!! That’s SUPER exciting, I’m so proud of you, sis!!! *tosses confetti* I subscribed and I can’t wait to see the first one pop up in my inbox!!! <333

    EEP, I love reading what your 2022 favorite books are!!! Numbers 5-2 are on my TBR list and I seriously should read all of them very soon. *ignores the rest of the books on my TBR that have been there for a longer time and are yelling at me to read them* XDD And *squeals* I'm so thrilled to hear that The Spice King is your #1!!! Idk if you know, but Kat and I are buddy-reading it right now and my goodness, I am LOVING it so far!! I can't wait to see how it ends!

    Also, I'm glad you shared your runner-ups! I've only read Fled for Refuge and The Princess Companion, but again, I'm gonna put the others on my TBR list if they aren't already! (especially since two of them have dragons and dragons are The Best!! XP)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took me long enough, right? XD AWWW GIRL I LOVE YOUR ENTHUSIASM THANK YOU!!!! <333 Aww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! *hugs* YOu're so sweet!! *dances in confetti* YAAY THANK YOU SO MUCH for subscribing! I can't wait to send my first email! <3333

      Aww THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That just makes me SO happy to hear!!! YES THEY BETTER BE!!! You should REALLY check out A Midnight Dance soon! I think it's one you'd really enjoy! Hahaha I mean what's the point in HAVING a TBR if you can't ignore it every now and then to read other books. XD They ain't going anywhere, lol. EEEEEEEKK!!!!! Oh, yes, Kat did mention that!!! How far are you into the novel? AAAAAAAHHH I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!! YOU SEE WHY IT HAD TO BE NUMBER ONE?!?! *fangirls* Ah you'll LOVE the ending! It was perfect!

      Aww thanks!!!! YES THOSE TWO ARE REALLY GOOD BOOKS!!!! Hahaha I shall not apologize for making your TBR list twice as long as it probably already was. XD (WOOHOOO DRAGONS ARE THE BEST!!!! *high fives*)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!!!! <3333

        You're welcome, that makes me happy to know that you're happy!! XD Yesssss I really want to read A Midnight Dance soon cause the whole aspect of ballet intrigues me so much!! Hahaha too true, too true. XDD Okay, so I actually literally finished it like five minutes ago and GIRL. *squeals* IT WAS SO GOOD, I LOVED THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gray is just so awesome *grins so hard* I need to read the squeals asap!

        Of course! THEY ARE!!!!!!!! *laughs so hard* Yeah don't ever apologize, it's awesome. XDDD Seriously, ever since you got me into TFP you've influenced my reading so much and I love it. XP (IKR?! *high fives you back*)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Awww yes!!!! YESSSSSSSSS YOU NEED TO READ IT SOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!! *tries to shove the book through the computer then realizes I don’t own a copy* *runs to library and checks out copy, then tries to shove it through the computer* *realizes I probably shouldn’t send a library book across state lines* *gives up* Hahaha I guess you’re on your own for this one. XD AAAAH YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SQUEALS WITH YOU* *JUMPS UP AND DOWN* *SHOULD PROBABLY STOP WRITING IN ALL CAPS* EEEEEEK I AM SOOOO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!!! I knew you would!!! I KNOW RIGHT. AH HE REALLY IS!!!! Yesssssss!!!!! The covers for like all the covers… *sighs with content* How are they THIS gorgeous????? Plus the title for the third book just sounds THE coolest!!! I need to read the next two books too!! They’re just sitting on my desk glaring at me to read them. And I’m like, alright, y’all, chill. It’s not my fault Pride and Prejudice is taking me forever. XD

          YESSS!!!!! Aww thanks!!!! Honestly, that just like makes me SO happy that you think so!!!! AWWW I HAVE??? *melts into puddle of happiness* THANK YOU!!!! I’m just glad you enjoy my recs!!!!


  4. Congrats on the newsletter!! I just signed up!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOUUU!!!!! Aww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It means a lot to me!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. YAY YOU HAVE A NEWSLETTER!!!! I signed up and can’t wait to follow along your journey in that way!!!! 😀 <333 Wow, I don't know if I'd be able to choose my top 5 reads of the year!!! Those books look like fabulous choices, and I want to read all of them!! I've only begun A Midnight Dance but what I read was gorgeous and I need to place it on hold from the library again! (Man, so many good books just waiting to be read. XD)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YESS!!!!! I FINALLY STARTED ONE UP!!!! I was meaning to get to it sooner, but… life. XD Aww, girl, you’re so sweet. THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER!!!!!! <333333 Aaah I know right. It's just SO hard when there's so many good books out there. How about a top ten? XD Aww THANK YOU!!! YESSS YOU SHOULD!!!! I think you would especially enjoy A Midnight Dance or When Twilight Breaks. Just in case you need help on deciding which book to read first. XD Aah I just read the part in your comment about starting a midnight dance. I KNEW I was right about you enjoying it. XD *pats self on back* YESSS YOU DO!!!!! That book is just SO beautiful! The prose and the theme and the characters and the setting… *stops self before I ramble into a mess of fangirling nonsense* (AAAH I FEEL YOU SISTER!!!!)


  6. *adds all the books to my TBR*

    Okay, you’ve sold me on Dearest Josephine. I’ve seen a lot of people reading and loving that one, but your description of it? Yeah, I’m going to read that one. Hopefully this year. All the other books sound so good too!
    (And The Princess Companion is SOOO GOOD! Have you read any more in the series?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehehehe how much damage did I just do to your TBR? XD

      YESS!!!! Aww, well I’m glad my description was convincing of it!! Dearest Josephine is just a BEAUTIFUL book! I could go on and on about my love for it!! I really think you would enjoy that one!!! You must let me know what you think of it!!!! YESSSS!!!! Thanks!! They were really great reads!!
      (YES I 100% AGREE!!!!! I LOVE THAT BOOK!! I LOVE MAX!!! I LOVE MELANIE CELLIER BOOKS! XD Ah sadly I haven’t gotten to the next book in the series, but I’m hoping to read another one from it soon! I’ve done one from another series of hers but I gotta read more of the retellings! Do you have a rec for one I should read next?)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Proportionally? Not much. I actually had more of these books on there than I’d thought, but I added about 4. I’m honestly getting close to a 700 book TBR, which is a bit intimidating…

        Yay! I thought my library had it, but apparently they don’t…*sigh*. Buuuuut…it is a lovely book with a lovely cover…so I’ll probably just buy it.

        (I do recommend going in order, so The Princess Fugitive, buuuuut I also LOVE The Princess Game if you wanna skip ahead. xD. I think I’m actually due for a re-read of TPF and TPP myself.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hahaha that’s good. XD Oooo really? Well that’s cool!!! Ah well 4 ain’t *that* bad. XD Oh wow, girl. Like how can you MANAGE a TBR that size? I have like a 300 TBR list, and I’m already overwhelmed. Yeah, I bet so! Sister, you’re just impressive!

          Wut? Nooooooooooooo. Why do libraries never seem to stock the good books? *also sighs* YESSSS IT REALLY IS!!!! The cover was one of the first things that drew me!!! (I usually refuse to touch a book if the cover is hideous. XD) Yes!!! That works too!!!

          (Aaah okay!! AAAH I KNOW IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! I REALLY want to read The Princess Game. Haha I don’t mind skipping ahead. XD I already read like most series out of order. #ihaveproblems OOOO girl we haven’t done a buddy read in a while!! Maybe we should read another Melanie Cellier together!!)

          Liked by 1 person

  7. I really enjoyed that Sarah Sundin book – so many of hers are excellent! 🙂 Peter and Evelyn were such sweethearts – and I loved how she let Peter be so blatantly wrong in the beginning. Developing characters is beautiful. 🙂

    And yay for newsletters! I am going to sign up right now. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!!! It WAS just super awesome, wasn’t it. I think it’s probably my favorite of hers, but then again, I haven’t read that many yet. XD YES I KNOW RIGHT!! Oh YES THEY SO WERE!!!! I just loved how Evelyn was a reporter and how she always wore the color red, mainly because red’s one of my fav colors. YES I LOVED THAT TOO!!! Peter had such a wonderful character arc that felt so real!! I second that!!!

      Aww, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH VANESSA!!!! It means so much to me!!


  8. Grace A. Johnson January 20, 2023 — 1:59 pm

    Okay, you MUST tell me how The Spice King was your #1 read… I read it a year or two ago and just…couldn’t get into it? It wasn’t bad, just not The Best. XD So I’m curious what YOU thought about it!!

    Otherwise, YES YES YES!!! When Twilight Breaks and A Midnight Dance are SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! And I am SO excited to read Dearest Josephine!!!

    And, lastly, forced marriage IS a trope! One of my favorites too! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Girl, you MUST tell me how you only rated The Spice King three-stars on GR? (I mean seriously. I’ve been trying to figure it out since I finished the book and saw your rating. XD) GIRL SERIOUSLY?!?!?! *mouth drops open* H-how…???? I’m not even sure how that’s possible. XDD Well, first I just LOVED the setting and how Camden incorporated so many fun and interesting facts that I didn’t know. And then I loved how Grey was a spice tycoon… I mean, don’t tell me that doesn’t sound FUN! Plus Grey was just awesome! I will admit I didn’t care that much for Annabelle, but that’s just typical for me and something I pretty much expected about female protagonists. I was also very intrigued with the whole plotline about if Luke really was a traitor and Grey trying to figure it out. Oh and I thought Annabelle had a good character arc and character goals in the story. Now, your turn. ;P

      YESSSSSS THEY SO ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stops self before I jump into a fangirl ramble* YAAAY!!!! You MUST let me know what you think when you finish it!! (Also, maybe have a tissue or two handy. You’re warned. ;P)

      IT IS!!!! YESS!!!!! Aaaah that is AWESOME!! Hey, if you have any recs for books with a forced marriage trope in it, I am all ears!! I’m looking for more books with it. I am obsessed. XD

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      1. Grace A. Johnson January 24, 2023 — 9:54 pm

        GIRL I DON’T KNOW WHY!!! I guess I just…didn’t enjoy it. XD That was before I started journaling my reads, so I don’t know what I really thought about it when I finished it. XD Haha, yes, Grey WAS awesome!! But you know me – I don’t care much for heroines either, and one rotten character spoils the whole story for me. XD (I’m so hardcore. LOL!) My turn? Aggghhhh!!! I tell ya what: I’ll just reread it one day and let you know. XD I’m SO glad you enjoyed it, though, and I do really wanna read the next two books!

        GIRL OF COURSE I WILL!! (Haha, you know I rarely cry over books. XD)

        OOOOOOOOH…lemme check my Goodreads and see what I can find for ya! 😉 (Or I could just write one…XP) IKR ME TOOOOO.

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        1. Hahaha well obviously you didn’t enjoy it. XD Aaah that makes sense. YES HE WAS!!!! Yeah, I feel ya sister. Heroines must just be super difficult for authors to write. Yep, that makes sense. *nods* (Lol. XD) YES OKAY I SHALL ACCEPT THAT. Reread it and just give me like chapter-by-chapter thoughts. XD Aw thanks!!!! YESSSS!!!! I really need to get to the other two books. Especially the last one. I’m a sucker for anything with the word “spy” in it. XD

          YES!!!! (Hahaha, well then you might not ACTUALLY shed tears, but I would be shocked if you didn’t at least feel like it. THIS BOOKS PLAYS WITH YOUR EMOTIONS!!)

          YESSSS PLEASE DO!!!! (Hahaha ya know I will TOTALLY accept that!!! I mean I already love everything you write, but then adding in the forced-marriage-trope, and girl my fangirling heart will be on overload. XD IT’D BE AWESOME!)

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Grace A. Johnson January 30, 2023 — 8:55 pm

            Obviously. XD Apparently they are, since very few nail them. OKAY GOOD. Whew, I’ll see what I can do… You’re welcome! GIRL ME TOOOO.

            (Haha, I guess we’ll have to see! AHHH NOW YOU’VE GOT ME EVEN MORE EXCITED!!)

            YES MA’AM!! (That’s all the motivation I need, sister. Consider it done.)

            *commences to scouring her old outlines for any forced marriage stories she can revive*

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            1. XD Yep, either that or perhaps strong heroines are the easiest thing in the world and that’s why we’re all overthinking it and they turn out terrible. XD I’d believe either option at this point. Yaaaaay!!!!! YESSSSS

              (Yes, we will! I’m excited. YESSSSS!!!! MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED!!! XD)

              Hahaha if you find anything interesting, let me know. ;P

              Liked by 1 person

              1. You know what? That sounds about right. XD

                (WAHOO!! XD)

                You got it, girl! 😉

                Liked by 1 person

  9. I wanted to read Dearest Josephine (at least I think it was that book) but our library system doesn’t have it 😭 And also it’s kind of impressive you picked the 5 best books you read in 2022 – I have indecision problems 🤣 Although it does seem to be hard to get one’s hands on good clean books these days 😑 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noooooooooooooooooo *sobs with you* *sends tissues and chocolate* Aw man, why is it the library rarely stocks the good books! Hahaha yeah, honestly it wasn’t easy. THERE’S JUST SO MANY GOOD BOOKS!!!!!! Next year, I think I might do top ten. XD Girl, you are so right! Ugh, it’s awful the kind of trash getting out there these days. That’s why I read a lot more indie-published and Christian fiction. *sighs* Aww THANK YOU!

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  10. Haha, this post was so fun to read, Is!!!😄 The only books on your list that I’ve read are The Spice King and The Princess Companion. I seriously need to read the other books you mentioned!! 😉 And books with dragons are tight! 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww THANK YOU KAT!!!!! Aaah well at least you’ve read two of some of the REALLY good ones!!! I LOVE those books!!! YES YOU DO!!! *shoves books into your hands* LOL. *dies laughing* couldn’t have said it better myself, sister!

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